TV Kids : The problems in our society in recent time, and the increasing of the development forced our children to face big issue. Due to the generation gape in action and creativity, problems became more than before such as violence, addiction, terrorism, revolution, expression of opinions, acceptance of others … etc Living in the Arab region as Arab Christian let us very close to our community away of our social and political societies.

This imprinted on Christian children is unconnected to their society.

This raised a considerable question; “Are we preventing our children to communicate inside their society?” or obeying Jesus’ actual words?

This program give a chance to our children to be involved in the community with their own opinions with different ages out of their Christian community to participate in social and political issues.

Target Group

- This program will be addressed to the children in between the age of 12-15 years old

- This program will be presented by the children with the same age.


To give the child the capability to face all problems in the society not only to accept all spiritual problems and its circumstances around , but also to be able to solve them too. 

To give a chance to the children to reach the freedom of expression to let them able to express their opinions with neutral objectively ways and at the same time to feel free to ask any questions. 

To let them learn how to express their problems and to think about how to solve them, also to respect others and discuss spiritual issues.


Our main aim is to reach the theme of “Begin by yourself” and let the children reach this idea to be able to control their minds in different societies.

TV program: The main idea of producing this program title “TV Kids “ is giving the opportunity to the children to present the whole program from A to Z such as ( director, photographers , actors, camera & lighting … etc ) to discuss all theirs spiritual , social, educational, physical , environmental issues , with a very collaborative team work from production.

The following issues will be discussed in this program:

1. The child recognizes himself, his creation, his personality when & how it is formed? Are we born with and it’s evolving through the time.

2. The child is a part of our society (school, district, community etc …) how to act in and what are his responsibilities towards his society, and why some of them are living out of their houses (children’s streets)?? And how to treat them?

3. The child is a part of a large society which is his motherland, love, respect; obey its laws, and how to evolve to a better life for our future generation.

4. What is the role of the child in his homeland, looking for lots of needs and values such as freedom, education, addiction, violence, also elderly and children with their special needs The above four subjects will be divided into 26 episodes, each one 30 minutes through the following activities:- •

- Creating a parliament to discuss their problems, activities and interests.

- Hosting on air different persons with different ages between childhood & maturity.

- A song related to the main subject.

- Drama • Activities like music, painting.

- Parliament: prepare the parliament with the children discussing all above subjects in the drama series.


Some specific doctors, psychiatrists, workers in that field will be hosted by the team work of children.

Also to watch that program on YouTube, please press the following links.

Ibrahimia Media Center was established in 2005, and since that time IMC was working to achieve its vision to reach the Middle East community to improve it for a better life.