
The Projects Department is implementing the Women in Media Project, where the project aims to shed light on women's issues and how the media deals with them. The project works on two main pathways:

First: targeting youth champions in the media field,

Second:  working with decision makers in the media field. Aiming To raise awareness about gender equality and women rights, and promoting fair and equal representation of women in the media industry and on the screen


Gender Equality and women’s rights training was presented for 70 media workers and scholars aimed at raising awareness about gender issues, gender equality and stereotyped images of women in the media, as these are the most crucial issues to be raised in the media field in order to achieve equality.

This training is the first phase in the filmmaking grant presented by the project:

"Filmmaking grant" For media professionals and scholars

To train them on producing professional content on women's issues and domestic violence.

Phase one: training on gender equality and women rights, phase two: training on filmmaking, phase three: producing media productions promoting women rights.

Ongoing activities:

Currently, implementing baseline studies to study the current situation in Egyptian society on addressing women’s issues in the media and their impact on the status of women in society. The study targets 45 media workers and scholars and representatives in private and public media institutions. The study also includes representation of journalists, content makers, and decision-makers in the media field.




Coming activities:

Announcing the second phase of theFilmmaking grant: Training on creating media content, "Mobile Filmmaking". The training will be on July 2022



Photos for achievements:







The Capacity Building for Peace project (CBP) implemented the "Masrtopia 12 Workshop for the children of Assiut Governorate, through the cooperation with Justice and peace office of the Catholic Church and Sout elshabab association for training and development.

The activities of the workshop spanned over 3 days from 17 to 19 March 2022. 64 children from Assiut participated in it. The children covered various social, religious and gender backgrounds in Assiut Governorate.

Both students from the Al-Azhar Institute and the Nuns School were participated in the workshop, in addition to students from public schools in Assiut city and its neighboring villages.The children were able to transcend cultural barriers and integrate into different work teams that represented a safe environment for acquaintance and integration among them as different. During the course of the workshop, the children were able to discover the value of difference between them and the richness that this difference represents and add value to their lives and the possibility of coexistence in light of that difference.By the end of the workshop, the children succeeded in designing models for the schools they dream to have. Those schools expressed children view of the different components of society and their awareness of the needs and existence of the other, whether this other is the disability other or the gender other or the religion other.The workshop was followed by evaluation process on several time frames with partner organizations, volunteer, children and parents.

ورشة عمل مصرتوبيا  12 اسيوط


نفذ مشروع "بناء القدرات للسلام" ورشة عمل مصرتوبيا 12 لأطفال محافظة أسيوط، وذلك من خلال التعاون مع مكتب العدالة والسلام التابع للكنيسة الكاثوليكية ومؤسسة صوت الشباب للتدريب والتنمية.

امتدت انشطة الورشة على مدار 3 أيام فى الفترة من 17 الى 19 مارس 2022م. وقد شارك بها عدد 64 طفل من محافظة اسيوط شملوا مختلف الطبقات الاجتماعية والبيئات الجغرافية والخلفيات الدينية والجندرية بمحافظة اسيوط.

شهدت الورشة مشاركة طالبات المعهد الأزهرى ومدرسة الراهبات بالاضافة لطلاب وطالبات المدارس الحكومية بمدينة اسيوط والقرى المجاورة لها.

استطاع الاطفال تخطى الحواجز الثقافية والاندماج فى فرق عمل مختلفة مثلت بيئة أمنه للتعارف والاندماج بينهم كمختلفين وخلال مسيرة الورشة استطاع الاطفال اكتشاف قيمة الاختلاف بينهم والغنى الذى يمثله ويضيفه ذلك الاختلاف لحياتهم وامكانية التعايش المشترك فى ظل ذلك الاختلاف.

بنهاية الورشة نجح الاطفال فى تصميم نماذج للمؤسسات التعليمية التى يرغبون فى ان يعيشوا بها والتى عبرت عن قناعتهم بالاندماج بين مكونات المجتمع المختلفة و وعيهم باحتياجات الاخر ووجوده سواء كان هذا الاخر هو الاخر من ذوى الاعاقة او الاخر جندريا او الاخر دينيا...

تبع الورشة عملية تقييم على مراحل زمنية مختلفة مع المتطوعين والمؤسسات الشريكة بالاضافة للاطفال واولياء الامور.

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Ibrahimia Media Center was established in 2005, and since that time IMC was working to achieve its vision to reach the Middle East community to improve it for a better life.